Friday, July 06, 2018

Sunflower No. 7

That summer we lost our beacon,
We drifted on the vast, turbulent sea, we are so lonesome!
We cried every morning.
At night we searched for Sirius, the brightest on the horizon.
We drank to oblivion.
We fell and dreamt of our kingdom. Far, far away...

No home,
No friends,
The lonely travelers kept going.
The damp smell of sea salt and gin. 
The sounds of screaming, shouting, mocking
Midnight howling,
And the wild, wild karmic wind.

In the magic realm of the seen and unseen world,
The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind shines.
With crystal tears,
We vow to keep sailing

Sailing on this endless ocean of joy, sorrow, and the mixtures......

We are only human, you know.

Poem and painting by Yeachin Tsai
Sunflower Series No. 7.
Acrylic on wood.  12 in. in diameter

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