Sunday, July 01, 2018

Crazy, Mad Yogi!

In the time of the Five Dynasty (A.D. 907- A.D. 960, 五代) in China, the artists' imagination had gone wild - they depicted Lohans as symbolic figures of some kind of earthy, eccentric men (and women, too!) - the lohans may still be monks, but they were wild, crazy at times - they tricked people, but all their doing was to awake people.

In the Tibetan Buddhism system, there is a term called “Crazy Wisdom”. According to great master Trungpa Rinpoche, from his book: “Crazy Wisdom”, “The Myth of Freedom”, “Journey Without Goal”, and “The Lion’s Roar”, (by Shambhala Publications), he said: “Crazy wisdom, in Tibetan is yeshe chölwa, wisdom run wild.” Of course, you have to have wisdom first, then have the crazy. In another book “The Teacup & the Skullcup: on Zen and Tantra”, he mentioned that “Zen is wild; and Vajrayana is crazy.”

This painting is done with acrylic and oil on canvas paper, the size is 8 by 10 inches.

From now on,
This old lady has no pretty clothes to wear!
How liberating! I no longer need to be anyone that I'm not.
The cosmic storm has swept all the pretenses. This kind of purification happens rarely!!
Ha ha ha!
I know nothing, this old fart. No need to pretend. How arrogant and ignorant of me in the past! 
Who am I and where I am going?
Hum Hum Hum, Now Now Now
Let's dance nakedly --
All I have left is my genuine, tender heart...

Written on the hottest day of lifetime; the burning, penetrating, sharpness of reality shines; a crazy summer of 2018. This little portrait was done in 2012

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