Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chased by Love

"Bardo" - a Tibetan Buddhist psychology term, describing a dreamlike, transitional space where nothing is certain. It could go to many different directions.

When we are chased by love, love becomes a burden, not joy. We become someone's object of projection - even though it is under the fantastic name of love. It is not love when it is not free.

Love is unconditional, otherwise it's attachment. The forceful wanting only leads to ruins. We have to play with the energy and space, and let the phenomenal play.

Only the space allows dance. Keeping the right distance - not too tight, not too loose - is an art.

Acrylic on paper. 27 x 27 in.
Purchase this piece on Saatchi

1 comment:

Deejay Afreeka said...

Precioso 💗💖💕