Monday, September 11, 2017

Yeachin Tsai on Her Art - Chapter 89 Online Magazine Interview

CH.89: If you were to categorize or describe the style of your artwork, what would it be and why?
YT: I do many different types of work. If I try to categorize them, I would say they are mainly abstract, but rooted in tradition, and informed by nature.
CH.89: Where do you draw your inspiration from?
YT: Mostly nature. And of course the energy patterns in nature.
CH.89: Can you talk a little bit about what your creative thought process is like when starting a new project/ piece of artwork?
YT: I start from a mind vision most of the time. In other words, the images are born already; they just need to be shown.
CH.89: Is there anything in particular that you would want people to take from your artwork?
YT: I hope people can get in touch with a vast space when they see my artwork—a gap in our crowded, tangled mind......

To read the full interview, to to: Chapter 89 online contemporary art magazine.

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